Health and Safety Policy

Purple Elephant Productions CIC – Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety wellbeing relies on co-operation between members of staff, volunteers and management. 

  • We are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, customers and anyone else affected by our events and activities. 
  • The ultimate responsibility for health and safety in the business is with our Directors.
  • We will adhere to the Health and Safety policies, and Fire Regulations of each venue that we hold our events or activities in.
  • We will carry out risk assessments for each of our events and activities, and require providers to submit their own risk assessments.
  • We will engage and consult with staff, providers and volunteers on day-to-day health and safety conditions. 
  • We recognise the legal duties that our company is bound by and we will provide a safe working environment, safe work equipment and safe methods of work. 
  • We will provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure staff, providers and volunteers are competent to do their work. 
  • We will strive to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace. 
  • We will review and revise this policy where necessary at our AGM. 

Dated: October 2019. To be reviewed at the AGM in April 2021